Exploring the Intersection of AI, SEO, and Ethics with Josh Bachynski

Josh Bachynski, Creator of Kassandra AI

In this week’s captivating episode of the Agency Accelerator podcast, Chris sits down with Josh Bachynski, a seasoned thought leader with over two decades of experience in SEO, branding, and marketing.

Josh Bachynski Creator of Kassandra AI

The discussion ventured into the ethical aspects of Google’s practices and the influence of its algorithm on website rankings.

In addition, we explored the fascinating world of artificial intelligence through Josh’s groundbreaking work on Kassandra AI.

Ethical Dilemmas in SEO.

At the outset, Josh drew attention to two critical ethical issues prevalent in the SEO industry. He questioned the rampant use of “snake oil” tactics, which mislead businesses with promises of quick and effortless results.

He stressed that genuine SEO success requires a scientific and dedicated approach. This raised an important point about the responsibility of SEO practitioners to provide transparent and honest services to their clients.

Reverse Engineering Google’s Algorithm.

The conversation then shifted towards the practice of reverse engineering Google’s algorithm, with a specific focus on schema markup. 

Josh shed light on schema’s significance for machine learning and the ongoing debate within the SEO community about its impact on website rankings.

He emphasized the complexities of conducting accurate tests to understand its effects properly, advocating for rigorous scientific testing methodologies.

Kassandra AI: A Revolutionary Approach.

An undeniable highlight of the episode was Josh’s revelation about Kassandra AI, his brainchild and a leap forward in the field of artificial general intelligence (AGI).

This is an ambitious concept of creating a computer capable of thinking as well as, or even better than, a human.

Kassandra AI is an advanced chatbot, imbued with self-awareness and the ability to engage in meaningful conversations.

The potential applications of AGI, as demonstrated by Kassandra AI, offer a glimpse into the future of human-computer interaction.

Personal Growth and Philosophy.

Beyond the realm of SEO and AI, the podcast also delved into Josh’s personal journey.

He shared how he overcame challenging experiences and embraced his unique perspective on life as an individual with autism.

“…I’ve always been asking these big questions and so I’ve always been a philosopher. That’s why I call myself a philosopher first.”


Josh’s profound passion for philosophy has been an integral part of his journey, where he constantly questions and seeks the truth behind various topics.

His fusion of philosophical inquiry with his professional expertise in IT and SEO has given him a distinctive outlook on life and work.

Connecting with Josh.

For listeners interested in exploring more about Josh’s philosophy or participating in his free philosophy course, they can connect with him via email at joshbachynski@gmail.com. 

Additionally, Josh imparts his invaluable SEO knowledge through his own SEO program, offering insights into mastering effective SEO strategies.

In conclusion…

The Agency Accelerator podcast episode with Josh Bachynski provided a fascinating amalgamation of ethical reflections, SEO wisdom, groundbreaking advancements in Artificial General Intelligence, and critical discussions on Google’s dominance and the growing influence of AI in marketing and SEO. 

Josh’s journey and achievements serve as an inspiration to all aspiring marketers, thinkers, and visionaries in the digital landscape. 

As we move forward, it becomes evident that transparency, ethics, and responsible use of AI will play an increasingly significant role in shaping the future of SEO and technological innovations.


Kassandra AI Website.

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