Scaling from Basement to Global Success: Insights from Huemor’s Co-founder, Jeff Gapinski

Jeff Gapinski, Co-Founder and President of Huemor.

In this episode of the Agency Accelerator Podcast, we are joined by Jeff Kapinsky, the co-founder and president of Huemor, a successful user experience design and full-stack web development company.

Jeff Gapinski

Jeff shares his journey of scaling Huemor from a small team to over 75 employees spread across 11 countries.

He offers valuable insights into implementing structure and organization, investing in marketing and branding, building processes to drive sustainable growth, and more!

Let’s dive into the conversation and discover the secrets behind Humor’s remarkable success!

The Entrepreneurial Journey.

Jeff’s entrepreneurial journey began over 12 years ago with a passion for design and digital marketing. Starting as a small agency without a formal business background, Jeff’s enthusiasm for tinkering with web development and marketing for businesses eventually led to the growth of Huemor.

Invest in Marketing.

Jeff attributes Huemor’s exponential growth to several key factors. First, the agency began investing in its own marketing and branding, recognizing the importance of promoting themselves while focusing on client work. By dedicating resources to their own marketing initiatives, Huemor gained greater visibility and attracted more clients.

Formalize Sales Processes and Offers.

Another critical component of Huemor’s success was the implementation of a formalized sales process with clearly defined offers. This allowed the agency to communicate and sell its services more effectively to clients. Expanding the sales team also played a significant role in driving growth.

Invest in Processes and Systems.

Jeff emphasizes the importance of building and refining processes and systems within the agency. As an agency founder, it’s essential to transition from being deeply involved in every aspect of the business to teaching and mentoring others. Establishing efficient processes allowed Jeff to improve project management and enhance overall execution.

Recognizing the Need for Processes.

For Jeff, the turning point in prioritizing processes came when he realized that his work was impacting his personal life negatively. Balancing family commitments with an overloaded work schedule became unsustainable. This led him to make the lifestyle decision to delegate tasks and focus on developing effective processes.

Transition to Hyper-Focus.

Originally a full-service creative agency, Huemor eventually transitioned to a more specialized offering. The shift to a hyper-focused model allowed the team to streamline processes and hone their expertise, making it easier to delegate responsibilities and train new team members.

Diversify Revenue Streams.

To reduce dependence on a single client, Huemor invested in marketing and advertising efforts to attract more clients and generate additional opportunities. This helped them maintain a more balanced revenue stream and mitigate financial risks.

Build Effective Processes.

Implementing processes and systems was crucial for Huemor’s growth. It allowed them to streamline operations, improve project management, and delegate responsibilities effectively. Transitioning from a small agency to a larger one required well-defined processes.

Scale with International Talent.

Facing challenges during the pandemic, Huemor expanded its team with international remote talent. By partnering with a recruiter and developing a strong hiring process, they were able to grow their staff and stay profitable while maintaining a positive culture.

Implement a Hierarchy Structure.

As Huemor grew, they faced the challenge of managing a larger team. Implementing a hierarchical structure with dedicated directors and project managers allowed for effective decision-making and enabled Jeff to focus on business development.

Gain Team Buy-In.

Transparency and communication were key to gaining team buy-in for structural changes. For example, Huemor shared financials and laid out a clear plan to accomplish goals, building confidence and trust with their employees.

Prioritize Your Team.

Jeff is most proud of the benefits they offer their team, such as a four-day work week, 100% healthcare premium coverage, 401(k) match, ample paid time off, and education stipends. They prioritize providing a positive work environment for their employees.

Invest in Sales.

If he knew he couldn’t fail, Jeff would invest more in outbound sales as a game-changer for accelerating agency growth. Outbound sales is seen as an underutilized strategy that could bring consistent opportunities.

Hang in There During Tough Times.

Jeff encourages agency owners to stick to their vision, be resourceful, and not doubt themselves during tough times. Investing in marketing during challenging periods can lead to positive results in the long run.

“Stick to your vision… if you have a plan, if you have a vision, agency owners are some of the most resourceful, smart, and talented people that I know. Don’t doubt yourself. Stick with it!”


In conclusion…

Jeff Kapinsky’s journey with Huemor presented a remarkable testament to the power of passion, strategic thinking, and adaptability in the agency world.

As we explore the secrets behind Huemor’s exceptional achievements, we’re reminded that with the right mindset and strategic approach, any agency can thrive and flourish in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Stream Jeff’s podcast episode here!

Huemor Website.

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